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1 This module is an introduction to the FOSTER course, including background information on its development. Upon completing this module the student should understand how FOSTER was developed, the intended audience of FOSTER, understand the basic all hazards response process, and learn the objectives of this on-line course.
2 Module 2 discusses some of the common myths and falsehoods about radiation. This module provides the student with a discussion of these, and also gives factual information about common misconceptions.
3 The third module presents some very basic information about the types of radiation the responder may encounter, along with a very brief review of some of the terms and terminology used elsewhere in the FOSTER course.
4 Module 4 begins the actual presentation on responding to radiological incidents. The objectives of this module include identifying the presence of a hazard- in this case radiological material; identifying the placards and labels associated with radioactive material; identifying the type of packaging used for radioactive material; and knowing some sources of information useful to the responder.
5 Module 5 provides you with more knowledge on the information you might obtain from the shipping papers accompanying a radioactive material shipment. The shipping papers may be the most valuable source of information to the responder, and this module explains why.
6 The sixth module goes into more detail about how the packaging used for radiological material plays an important role in protecting the public from the hazards of the material. The responder needs to both understand and appreciate that radioactive material is shipped under the most stringent controls in the industry. What this means to you is the most important aspect of this module.
7 The seventh module brings the issue of radiological material home – this module deals with the types of material used and located within the state of Colorado, and also those transported in and through the state.
8 Module 8 provides the responder with some direction on finding out about radiological materials that are used within their jurisdiction or shipped through it. The importance of preplanning and information sharing between agencies is stressed.
9 The ninth module discusses the need to consider the presence of secondary hazards on the scene of a radiological incident. This module underscores the importance of not becoming so involved with the radioactive aspects that you ignore the presence of secondary hazards.
10 Module 10 follows the response process by providing some basic information on protecting yourself and others should you find yourself on the scene of an incident where radioactive materials are present. Note that this module is designed for pre-awareness responders, and does not involve any actions that would place the responder into a hazardous situation.
11 Module 11 concludes the basic FOSTER course by providing information on when you should make notifications and who you should call to report any incidents involving radiological material.
After completing the 11 basic modules, above...

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The following modules are accessible only to persons who have successfully competed the final exam.
12 Module 12 provides EMS personnel with some basic recommendations on dealing with the victims of an incident involving radioactive material. Included in this module is material on the approach to victims who may be unable to self-extricate from the accident scene.
13 The 13th module covers radiological terrorism. This is a brief overview of the types of terrorist activities that may involve the use of radioactive material.
14 Module 14 provides more information for trained fire responders, including fire suppression activities.