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Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the controls and way this system works by reading the instructions below.

When you are ready to proceed to the course, click on the link at the end of these instructions.


The access page for each module will open in a new window, and you will see a table with the different options for the module.  Each of the options is described in the example, below.
Description A basic description of the content of the module.
Length Approximate time to complete this module.
Module link The button linking you to the actual module.
Module Narrative A copy of the narration for the module in both PDF and Word© format.
Supplemental Material Some modules have supplemental material, such as video clips to add more information.
Links Where applicable, we have provided hyperlinks to web sites with more information about the topics covered in the module.
When you begin each module you will see a start screen similar to the one below.  The picture shows the different items on this page. 

As each module includes an audio narration, it may take several minutes for the module to download.  While it is loading you will only see an indicator bar instead of the "play" link.


Clicking on "play" will open the module presentation as shown below.  The user controls in the yellow box at the upper left are shown in detail below.

The user controls allow you to start and pause the program, adjust the volume, and go back or forward.  You can also pause the program and click on the title of any slide you want to see or repeat.

When you have completed each modules, simply close the window and you will return to the index of modules.  You can then go to the next module.


If you are ready to begin, click here.